About your insightful feedback

I must say I have been obsessed with reading responses to my Blog since its launch on 5 September. My colleagues know me very well that I always enjoy walking up and down the racecourse to listen to our customers. Now thanks to the cyber world I can do this anytime and anywhere with my Blog. 

I found the recent round of feedback very insightful. Amongst those are some critical comments about the performance of our racing commentators which I will look into. Horse racing is certainly a knowledge game and we should be providing quality information and comments. 

Other feedback included further suggestions to Triple Trio formula, enhanced e-Win service, web access in China, better quality souvenir etc.. These are valuable comments and my responsible team at the Club will assess and take the comments further. 

Talking about Triple Trio, with the newly revised single consolation dividend offered for the TT, I would think a better strategy is to select more horses for the first two TT legs. May be you can try this out.

My banker for tomorrow’s Race 4 would be Cosmo Successor (No.5), bankers for Race 5 I’m No Square (No.1) and Wait For Me (No.10), and for Race 6 Safety First (No.3). Good luck and hope to see you tomorrow.  

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