My First Blog!

Welcome to my blog! This is the very first time I have set up this type of platform to communicate and share my thoughts with all of you.  I hope you will all enjoy reading my blog.

I must admit it's been quite a hectic month in August as I had to make two trans-Pacific round-trip between Hong Kong and the United States within just a matter of days.  But as the Nevada Gaming Commission has finally given its green light to our bet commingling arrangement with Las Vegas Dissemination, the feelings of joy and satisfaction have brushed away all my tiredness.

What made me especially happy were the positive comments the commission gave us on the Club's good governance, integrity and infrastructure.  It's always nice to receive compliments from your peers in the industry, and Nevada ranks up there with the very best - it has a worldwide reputation as a leading regulatory authority. I look forward to seeing the export of these racing products overseas which promises to bring huge success in the future.

Though racing fans in the US now having a chance to see and experience the Club's quality racing products, I feel regretful that local racing fans still cannot reciprocally place bets on their favourite horses in overseas betting pools, even when our top horses are taking part in prestigious overseas races to seek honour and glory for Hong Kong.

I don't think we can expect to do all our business in one direction only and in the best interests of local racing fans, it would be great if we could have the chance to discuss this issue with the government sometime soon.

Last Saturday (1 September) the Club hosted its annual pre-season carnival and I was thrilled by the overwhelming public response and the wonderful atmosphere created. It was especially encouraging to see so many children enjoying themselves. They were not only showing their love of animals while watching our equestrian performances and riding on our cute ponies, they were also fascinated by the speed and movement of the racehorses taking part in the barrier trials.  I found their innocent reactions inspiring, and it reminded me that racing is not merely about gaming, but is first and foremost a sport.

With our new racing season set to start this Sunday, 9 September, I do hope all local racing fans will enjoy our races and continue to support the Club.  Last week, we announced several racing policy changes including the cessation of announcements of any intended changes in riding tactics.  I must reiterate that this is not a drop-back in transparency or any regression in the amount of race information we provide to our racing customers. The Club's Racing Stewards will continue to closely monitor riding tactics as a fundamental responsibility of their role to ensure the integrity of racing is not compromised. This decision will be in the interests of all stakeholders, in particular our racing fans.

By the way, I am very much looking forward to the inaugural Trainers' Ride for Charity which will be held before Sunday's first race (i.e. 12:25pm) as an innovative curtain raiser to the season.  This is an event that is all being done for a good cause. So make sure you arrive at Sha Tin Racecourse early to watch your favourite trainers going back to the mount and cheer them on.

Many racing fans are very keen to know which trainers will be more likely to make a bright start early this season. Personally, I think last year's champion trainer Caspar Fownes, veteran John Moore, and leading local trainer Dennis Yip could well be the ones. Nevertheless, I also notice Helene Brilliant from Tony Cruz, and Green Birdie from Fownes, are having good forms and I believe they have a higher chance of winning in the HKSAR Chief Executive's Cup in the season opening day.

I am looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!

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