Talent-hunting takes a further step forward

In 2005, I proposed and directed the establishment of the Racing Development Board, aiming to set up a more formalised and professional training structure for talented young riders so as to help maintain Hong Kong's position as a leader in the world’s horse racing industry.

Three years have gone by since then and I'm delighted to see that the RDB has achieved tremendous success in this short period. Not only has it helped us identify some young riders with great potential and talent, it has also assisted some of our apprentice jockeys like Alex Lai and Marco Chui, both managed to get themselves in Hong Kong's top 10 jockeys' list last season, to further excel in their riding career.

The Club will commence its latest Racing Trainee Recruitment programme tomorrow, and another crop of talented youngsters who aspire to become local sports heroes will be given the chance to receive professional training from experienced coaches and racing professionals. I welcome all young people to apply for this programme.

I’m even happier to learn that the RDB has extended its efforts this year, by looking for potential talent in both racing and equestrian sports and doing so at an earlier age. It will co-operate with local secondary schools to launch a Talent Identification Programme in October, which will give junior secondary school students the chance to experience the fun of riding. I can foresee that the "Olympic effect" will increase the number of applicants for both programmes. 

I’ve just returned to Hong Kong after a few days' leave, and in that short time I've noticed a significant increase in the excitement building up for the Olympic equestrian events, which are now just three weeks away. I hope you will all take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the Olympics on home soil.

We have already handed over all the Olympic equestrian venues to the Equestrian Company and are now getting ready to welcome the Olympic horses, which will start arriving at the end of this week. As you may have seen in the news reports last week, the Club's horse transportation and veterinary teams will be playing a crucial role in making sure these valuable horses are moved safely between the airport, the Olympic stables and competition venues, and are well looked after at each stage. It's our Club's aim to offer the very best services and support in every aspect of the Olympics, and I am proud to say that we’re all ready for the Olympic equestrian competition to be held here in Hong Kong.

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