Merry Christmas!

As many of you know, The Hong Kong Jockey Club always engages actively in local community projects and charity programmes. But I can tell you that many of our staff members in the Club are also very generous, as we raised more than $66,000 for charity in just two days through a Staff Sale held earlier this week.

This sum will be donated to charitable causes through C.A.R.E@hkjc - our charitable partnership programme which involves the Club, staff members who are volunteers, and recipients of the services. Through hosting this event, I hope we can show our concern for needy people in the local community and bring them a bit of cheer at this festive time of year.

With Christmas approaching, the festive spirit should also be much in evidence at our coming two race meetings tomorrow and on Boxing Day, both at Sha Tin. I'm pleased to hear that our first-ever Boxing Day BBQ buffet party has received a huge response, with all tickets being sold out by last Thursday. Once again, I have to thank you for the staunch support you've given to our special themed race meetings this year and the new ideas we are trying to inject into our racing to encourage more people to come and enjoy this great sport. 

Christmas is a time for family reunions, and for everyone to get together with their loved ones. I'm no different, as I will be returning to my home town in Germany for the holiday to see my family and friends, in particular my father who has been sick for quite a long time.  Having been so busy with work in Hong Kong, I always feel a sense of guilt for not being able to be with my father. I treasure every moment of staying with my family and it will be really nice to have the chance to see them again in the coming week.

For tomorrow's races, Double Luck and All Time High in Races 9 and 10 respectively have drawn my attention not only because they had a very decent run last time, but also because they carry my Christmas wish of having "double luck" at "all times"!

May I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

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