Monthly Archives: 05/2024

Hong Kong accomplishments highlight incredible season

The 2023/24 racing season has already been filled with elite achievements by Hong Kong horses, jockeys and trainers and the theme is set to continue with several participants on the brink of reaching significant milestones. In a season where ROMANTIC WARRIOR and CALIFORNIA SPANGLE have excelled both overseas and at home, Hong Kong racing has…

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Angus Chung’s progress a shining example for home-grown Hong Kong talent

Providing career pathways for committed and ambitious Hong Kong talent is at the heart of Club priorities and it is always satisfying to watch young home-grown personnel achieve their goals. Angus Chung, 27, is the latest in a growing line of Hong Kong-raised jockeys to advance through the Club’s Apprentice Jockeys’ School (AJS) programme to…

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FWD Champions Day shines despite weather challenges

Resilience and excellence in the face of adversity are among Hong Kong’s hallmarks and both these traits were evident during the successful staging of FWD Champions Day at Sha Tin on Sunday (28 April). While the sporting achievements of ROMANTIC WARRIOR, BEAUTY ETERNAL and INVINCIBLE SAGE were outstanding, the efforts of our tracks team to…

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