Prudent approach already in place

At the Asian Racing Conference I attended in Tokyo last week, all delegates present agreed that the current global economic situation was set to pose severe challenges to the racing industry, and that its impact would not be short-term. Every jurisdiction in the region is now studying various measures to sustain its racing business under this adverse economic environment.

In Hong Kong, we are working in a co-operative manner with the Government to discuss how we can best respond to the challenge. As you may know, one request we have made to Government is that they reconsider the feasibility of adding more racedays and relaxing the existing limitations on overseas simulcast races.

In doing this, we fully understand that Government needs to balance different views in society and take other considerations into account. However, it's worth noting that the Club, as a well-established and respected organisation in Hong Kong, already takes a very restrained approach in comparison with many other gaming institutions in the region (not to mention those who operate illegally), being more cautious and prudent in its operational practices.

In this respect, I'm pleased that the Club's efforts have recently earned some prestigious international acclaim, as the World Lottery Association (WLA), at its annual convention in Greece last month, presented us with a WLA Responsible Gaming Award in the category of Best Employee Training Programme. This award acknowledges our efforts to ensure that staff members at different levels fully understand the importance of responsible gambling. It also helps set a role model for fellow practitioners.

This award clearly demonstrates that we at the Club have the ability to uphold our responsible gambling policy and are always willing to co-operate with the Government on matters of concern. So I hope all parties involved in the current debate will look at the issues in a wider context, and carefully consider our requests in relation to the interests of the local community at large.

Over the years, the Club has also co-operated with the Government in other ways, for example we have always tried our best to arrange night race meetings on Wednesdays. I can tell you that in the past, we have heard people asking why the Club cannot hold night racing at Happy Valley on Fridays. This is a valid question and we do believe such an arrangement would be welcomed by many racing fans, especially those who don't need to work at weekends. But we are also aware that the traffic conditions in Happy Valley and Causeway Bay have always been very congested on Friday evenings, and we do not want to aggravate the problem.

Tonight is a Wednesday, however, so you all can come to Happy Valley as usual to enjoy the eight exciting races we have lined up for you. I look forward especially to seeing the performances of O'Reilly Magic and Dordenma. O'Reilly Magic has shown consistent improvement in his two runs this season, but lacked a bit of luck when he was defeated for a close second in a 1,650m race in the Happy Valley daytime race meeting a month ago. Featuring in the same distance again tonight, the horse will enjoy a better draw and let's see if he can get his maiden win in Hong Kong.

Dondenma had a great first up in Happy Valley last time, given that he still finished second at a neck behind the winner, and carrying top weight in that mile race. He will again be partnering with Douglas Whyte but just carrying 128 pounds. I won't be too surprised if he can repeat his nice performance this evening.

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