Olympic equestrian events

Time flies very fast, as it is now just nine months before the 2008 Olympic equestrian events are staged in Hong Kong, the first Olympic competition to take place in our city.

Back in the summer, a test event was held at our Olympic equestrian venues just 18 months after the Club began construction work.  Many of the overseas riders offered their praise for the world-class facilities, which made me feel very proud and delighted with what the Club and its staff had achieved within such a short period.

Although I never engaged in equestrian sport myself during my days in Germany, it is quite a popular sport there and in other European countries. Currently the standard of the sport in Hong Kong is not as high as it is in Europe, but I believe that hosting the Olympic equestrian events here can boost the standard and quality of our local riders and make it more popular among Hong Kong people in future.

For those who want to know more about the sport, I recommend that you visit the Hong Kong International Horse Show - an event supported by our Club - at Beas River Country Club this weekend.  Not only will you have the chance to watch many talented local and overseas riders competing in dressage and jumping events, but also you can enjoy a carnival with equestrian-themed game booths and pony rides.

The Club will also unveil its new Equestrian Pavilion in Penfold Park this Sunday (4 November 2007).  This enlightening and interactive exhibition will be open to the public free of charge until April next year, so please bring along the family and spread the word to your friends.  We hope this initiative will enhance the local community's understanding of equestrian sports and the Beijing Olympics.  Once the Olympics are over, we are planning to build a permanent Olympic equestrian museum there to preserve this legacy for Hong Kong.

Although most people think about horse racing when The Hong Kong Jockey Club is mentioned, we have also been involved in other equine sports for many years through our three public riding schools and the equestrian facilities at Beas River. It has always been our aim to cultivate local interest in equestrian sports, so as enhance the public's knowledge of horses and their love for these versatile animals.

Tomorrow, I am looking forward to watching the Class 1 Panasonic Cup with local entries for this year's Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Mile like Dave's Best, Survey Survey, River Jordan and Fellowship contending at the 1600m race. Likewise, the recent performances of two other horses – Walkonthewildside and Macho Expresso – also attract my attention. I also love the name of the first horse and would love to do the same as its name suggests, have fun and not think too much, from time to time.

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