Beer Time!

Many of you enjoy drinking a pint of beer, having a moment of relaxation with your friends after work.  As a German, from a country whose people are all mad about beer consumption, I'm no exception and also enjoy drinking beer - when I don't need to drive, of course.

As everybody knows, there are lots of types of beer in Germany.  Many love drinking the more common German beers like pilsener from northern Germany, or the wheat-rich weissebier from southern Germany.  People in Düsseldorf area are fond of drinking altbier, a type of traditional dark ale. Even coming from this area, I myself prefer pilsener.

At the Club, the setting up of a Beer Garden on the forecourt of Happy Valley Racecourse a few years ago aimed to provide racegoers, whether locals, expatriates or tourists, with the trackside setting and relaxed atmosphere, while enjoying the thrill of horse racing.  I am very happy to know that the Beer Garden has been very well received.

We will relaunch our Beer Garden tomorrow by expanding it to include the forecourt and the first floor of the grandstand, as well as providing an expanded range beverages and adding more betting facilities in the area.  We hope you will be pleased with these new arrangements, and that they will add even more enjoyment to your beer drinking, the exciting races and your evenings out with friends at the racecourse.

Many visitors to Hong Kong include Happy Valley Racecourse in their schedule, and they always go home thrilled by this unique racing experience.  Unlike racetracks at other cities which are usually situated in the suburbs or more distant areas, Happy Valley Racecourse is only a few minutes' walk from the heart of the city. It also offers spectacular views, surrounded as it is by skyscrapers.  I think it is no exaggeration to say that this historic city racecourse is one of the most beautiful racetracks in the world, and certainly the most special in Asia.

As a further part of our efforts to bring unprecedented racing experiences to our regular fans and visitors, we have decided to arrange some special events for our race meeting on the night of Halloween Day.  So, watch out for further details soon.

It's been almost four weeks since the last Happy Vappy Night Meeting. Looking at tonight's card, personally, I am a bit bias on two horses - Supreme Gold (No. 8) in Race 4 and Great Achievement (No. 2) in Race 8, both are good horses from the International Sales.

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