Setting a green example

In recent years, Hong Kong residents have become much more concerned about environmental issues than in the past, and many are now taking active steps to lead a greener lifestyle.  As part of the Club's mission to contribute to the city's development by channelling gaming demand into community benefits through our not-for-profit business model, we have always believed that we should set good examples ourselves - hence we feel we should take a lead in this area by building a sustainable business.

At an operational level, we've already put in place a whole array of green measures in recent years like more efficient air-con systems and energy-saving lighting, as well as implementing recycling campaigns in our offices and Club premises.

In 2008 we also took the initiative to launch our own large-scale Environment Project with a HK$350 million grant from the Club's Charities Trust.  Its programmes have included funding a series of international symposia and public forums such as Dialogue: An International Conference on Climate Change 2010 Hong Kong, hosted last month by local think-tank Civic Exchange, and the introduction of solar-powered golf carts and solar-hybrid ferries at out Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course.  Apart from the project, we additionally purchased some electric cars to the Club’s car fleet.  Through these various initiatives, we hope to arouse public awareness of environmental protection and play a leading role in carbon emission reduction.

Another area where we think we can really make a difference is by harnessing the combined power of our 26,000-strong workforce.  So in October this year, we launched a two-month Green Action Campaign to help our staff understand more about the importance of living green, and in turn help spread these green messages to their family members and friends, as well as to Club Members and customers with whom they come into regular contact.

The programme has included activities like Carbon Care talks, coastal clean-ups, recycling campaigns, competitions and eco-tours to Mai Po Nature Reserve and Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course.

On Thursday we organised a Green Action Carnival at Happy Valley Racecourse to mark the successful conclusion of the campaign, with several hundred colleagues braving the wintry weather.  We were honoured to have legislator Audrey Eu as our special guest, and she shared with us her views and experiences of living green.  She stressed that efforts to improve the environment had to be led from the top, but it was first necessary for the administration to change its mentality from focusing on the economy to focusing on health. I strongly support that view, and so do my fellow managers at the Club.

Although this green campaign has now come to an end, I see it as just a starting point.  What is most important is not the immediate results of the various campaign activities, but how it has helped our staff connect better together and share the green mindset with their families and friends, so that we can all develop a greater sense of care for the environment in our daily lives.

Anyway, getting back to horse racing, our day meeting at Sha Tin tomorrow will again feature 10 races. With the weather forecast to get warmer over the weekend, I hope this Sunday's turnout will continue to be favourable, helping us contribute more revenue to the public purse and ultimately give more back to the community.

I expect the day's trophy race, the Midland Holdings Cup, to be especially fascinating as it will feature two exciting young prospects making their debuts in Hong Kong, Military Move and Victor Delight.

In the case of Military Move, some of you might have watched his performance in an overseas simulcast we brought you last March, when he won the New Zealand Derby at Ellerslie Racecourse.  Meanwhile Victor Delight ran a close third to Irish Derby winner Cape Blanco and Epsom Derby winner Workforce in the Dante Stakes in England back in May.  I'll be interested to see how they shape up on Hong Kong turf, although the distance of 1400m appears to be on the sharp side for both runners.

Apart from Military Move and Victor Delight, Corporal Jones and Sparkling Power are also some hopefuls for our four-year-old series this season. Personally, with the expected good pace, I think it will help them all to show their best.  In my point of view, Corporal Jones and Victor Delight will improve further from the run and need a longer distance, but Military Move looks well advanced and should run well in this race.  With Sparkling Power also improving and likely be a key contender, I still prefer London China Town in this race because he has come back to form and was unlucky when blocked in the home straight in his last run. I’ll see how he performs, while No More Green and Dragon Fighter will be two other interesting outsiders in this event.

In the Midland Best Director Handicap, the expected good to fast pace would help Hot Shot getting a perfect position coming from gate 3.  With Douglas Whyte on board, I think it will make him very difficult to beat. Though the chance of Hot Shot have been quite outstanding, other runners like Fun Heroes and Real Supreme can give some challenge to him in this race.

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